Fars Province Gas Company Competitive Intelligence Management and Organization based

Document Type : Excerpt from master's thesis


Teacher of Industrial Management, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Management of Qom State University of Iran


One of the most important pillars of business intelligence is competition. Competitiveness and competitiveness in businesses are based on information. What is now formed in gaining a competitive advantage based on intelligence and intelligence is the component of competitive intelligence. Using this type of intelligence (intelligence) can help managers and strategists in the competitive market in identifying situations, whether possible, definitive, or uncertainty. The purpose of this article is to manage and organize the competitive intelligence of Fars Province Gas Company based on the criteria of multi -criteria. The data collection in this study was researched using the couple's comparison questionnaire by 21 experts, managers and experts of strategic units in the field of commercial intelligence and competitive business of public and private organizations. With improved fuzzy hierarchical analysis method, the results showed that managerial factors weighing 0.288 in the first rank, 0.205 weight supply factors, operational factors weighing 0.87 in third, strategic factors weighing 173/ 0 ranked fourth and marketing factors weighing 0.147. Therefore, in a state of uncertainty, if competitive intelligence is to be used in organizations, according to expert polls, these comprehensive components and their priority should be operational in designing and establishing competitive intelligence.
