The importance of sustainable human resource management to achieve sustainable development goals and objectives

Document Type : Excerpt from master's thesis


1 Department of Public Administration, Academic Membership, Islamic Azad University, Larestan Branch, Larestan, Iran (Corresponding Author)

2 Department of Public Management, Larestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Larestan, Iran


Organizations today, with an increasing focus on social responsibility and sustainable performance, have set new goals other than mere financial gain, such as a commitment to social and environmental consequences. In this methodical study, we use a multi-step method to develop a detailed analysis of sustainable human resource management and identify the factors that predict the success of sustainable development goals. We categorized these studies based on conceptualization criteria, level of analysis, records, consequences, implementation techniques, and barriers. First of all, it is important to distinguish between strategic human resource management and sustainable human resource management, as they play different roles in They have an organization. In this article, we tried to take a multidimensional approach. The contribution of this study is to provide a thorough analysis of the characteristics of sustainable development at various levels (individual, organizational and national). This study summarizes a number of conceptual and empirical findings, provides a clear definition of all green HR functions, identifies specific research gaps in the literature, and the impact of SHRM on the three main pillars of sustainability, namely economics. Examines social and environmental


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